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How to use ScriptObjectFactories?

  • Frank Jepsen - 2012-09-07


    In the script engine documentation for V3.5 SP1 Patch 2, I have noticed that a script object factory object is present. Has anyone used this and is able to explain how to use it?

    Under ISystem2 members I see a property called "factories", so one should be able to use


    as an entry point. However, when I try this I get the following error:

    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): Begin of script
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): system.factories
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): exception (<type 'exceptions.standarderror'="">, StandardError('Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.',), <traceback object="" at="" 0x0000000000000034="">)
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): system.factories
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): exception (<type 'exceptions.standarderror'="">, StandardError('Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.',), <traceback object="" at="" 0x0000000000000035="">)
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): system.factories
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): Return from script
    [INFORMATION] test.py(8): system.factories</traceback></type></traceback></type>


  • Anonymous - 2012-09-07

    Originally created by: M.Schaber

    Hi, Frank,

    I tried your example, and actually, you found a bug.

    I filed the bug into our Jira system as CDS-30637, and fixed it.

    The fix is currently scheduled for the next service pack (V3.5 SP2).

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Markus Schaber

  • Frank Jepsen - 2012-09-09

    Hi Marcus,

    I will be looking forward to try out the feature in SP2 then.

    It seems that there will be a lot of new features in the script engine in that version. The documentation in SP1 Patch 2 gives a taster, since it includes documentation for some of the objects that will first be available in SP2 Is SP2 still scheduled to be released during december 2012?


  • Anonymous - 2012-09-17

    Originally created by: M.Schaber

    Yes, the current schedule for V3.5 SP2 is still mid-of-december 2012.


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