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How use to SysFile(System) library?

  • Rita - 2012-07-06

    I want to create a new file and write a INT value to this file, then close it. Unfortunately I am not so familiar with the file system. How do I must do?



  • jzhvymetal - 2012-07-29

    I would recommend using the OsCat Network Library it has been tested and validated. It also has a built in File Handler with FB's to read/write variables from files.

    You have to be signed in to download. This has been updated for CoDeSys V3.

    http://www.oscat.de/community/index.php ... 784.0.html m

  • pangwei - 2012-08-01

    To read or write a file ,you must be carefull of something.The functions all needed a rising-edge to excute.
    Also, at the end of the programs ,you should close the file.
    I suggest you to use CIA FILE LIB.

  • naganathas - 2012-08-16


    Can you please provide me a working sample code for Write and Read File using Codesys v3 ?


    Naganatha Subramanian R


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