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How library arranged?

  • yue-qi-qi - 2012-08-11

    Under CoDeSys V3.5,How the library is arranged, what is the directory where the library is located?Under V2.3 the directory is “\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\Library\",and there is a directory setting entry at Project\options\Directories。

    Is the library files still *.lib or something else? and how to install libraries?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2012-08-13

    The libraries in V3 are installed in a Library repository.
    To add a library to your project you only have to open the Library Manager (part of your project tree) and add your required library.
    If you want to add a library which is not yet available in the Repository you have to install it.
    To do this you need to go to Tools-Install Library (or Library Repository with the professional feature set enabled).


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