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Python script for stopping a running online application

  • Halim - 2019-08-01


    I could manage to write a script that creates an online application, log-in, and start the PLC as shown in the below function code.
    def plc_start():
    onlineapp = online.create_online_application(None)

    To stop the plc while staying logged in, I need to use the <onlineapp>.stop(). The problem is that I'm not able to keep the declaration of the <onlineapp> to a next run of the script. So, I want to "ask the scriptEngine what online application is existing now"? How could I program for this question knowing that there is nothing as <active_online_application> in the scriptEngine help?</active_online_application></onlineapp></onlineapp>


  • mkeller - 2019-08-06

    Hi Halim.

    Halim hat geschrieben:
    To stop the plc while staying logged in, I need to use the <onlineapp>.stop(). The problem is that I'm not able to keep the declaration of the <onlineapp> to a next run of the script. So, I want to "ask the scriptEngine what online application is existing now"? How could I program for this question knowing that there is nothing as <active_online_application> in the scriptEngine help?</active_online_application></onlineapp></onlineapp>

    ScriptEngine has no need to remember which online application exists because it is not necessary. Just create a new online application and check if it is logged in. If not, login and stop the running app.



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