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Display minutes and second from time variable.

  • mawaloc - 2019-04-16

    Hello Everybody.

    I'm quite a new on blog so hopefully you will be able to help me.

    I'm trying to extract minutes and seconds from my elaps time of my timer in Visualization.

    Today I've added in text box
    %i => as text to get dynamic variable.
    and as variable => my timer.ET.

    values shown is in ms.

    Me I would like to visualize minutes and Seconds.
    Hope my problem is well explained.
    Thank You

  • mawaloc - 2019-04-16

    Hello Marcel,

    Thank so much, in 2 minutes you solve me problem where I've tried yesterday during 4 hours to solve.

    It's my first time that I'm using this kind of blog, and I'm pretty impress of the efficiency.



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