zhou - 2019-02-08

Rahied hat geschrieben:
Hello here is my script.
print "Current project."
proj = projects.primary
PROJECT = r"C:\CoDeSys-Projects\Script-Test.project"
# clean up any open project:
if projects.primary:
print("--- CleanUp finished. ---")
# create a new project
proj = projects.create(PROJECT)
print("--- Project created. ---")
# add PLC
proj.add("CODESYS Control RTE V3",4096,"0000 0002","")
print("--- PLC Device Insert. ---")

# Create the IO

for dev in proj.get_children():
if dev.is_device:
f = open("C:\Users\RO\Desktop\Import.txt", "r")
for line in f:
tok = line.split(' ')
if "(Master)" in tok[1]:
dev.add(tok[0], DeviceID(64, "0000 0001", ""))
subnodes = dev.get_children()
master = subnodes[len(subnodes) - 1]
elif "(Slave)" in tok[1]:
master.add(tok[0], DeviceID(65, "51D_0201001000000001", ""))
elif "(IO)" in tok[1]:
objects = master.find('EH_IOCA', True) # Recursive search
assert(objects and len(objects) == 1, "no object or more than one object with the name EH_IOCA")
subnodes = objects[0].get_children(True) # Get all children
# Scenario 1: Plug all
# i = 1
# for node in subnodes:
# name = "%s %d" % (tok[0], i) # Create name with index
# node.plug(name, 68, "51D_00000001_16 Digital Input_16 Digital Input","0")
# i += 1
# Scenario 2: Plug only the first one
if len(subnodes) > 0:
subnodes[0].plug(tok[0], 68, "51D_00000001_16 Digital Input_16 Digital Input","0")
# Save project

# Script finished
print("--- Script finished. ---")

hello Rahied:
I've an another quesiton: how could you know there is a method "add" for proj? I used dir(proj) there was not "add" method listed.

thanks alot



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