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Meaning of xDiagnosisInfoAvailable

  • Irune - 2018-12-17

    Function "GetBusState" has an output parameter called xDiagnosisInfoAvailable that, if TRUE, means that a red exclamation appears in device tree. Is there any way to get that extended diagnosis info programmatically?

    Thank you!

  • Lo5tNet - 2018-12-17

    Have you tried calling Device.State? (Where device = the name of the device you are trying to get the state of)

  • Irune - 2018-12-18

    Comingback4u hat geschrieben:
    Have you tried calling Device.State? (Where device = the name of the device you are trying to get the state of)

    I have called Device.State, and have PREOPERATIONAL. Calling "Device.GetDeviceState" I get CONFIGURED. This is because of one returns CANOPEN_STATE enum and the other one, DEVICE_STATE.

    But I would like to reach programmatically to the additional info that appears in "Diag. String" in tab "State" when I click the Device in the device tree (in this case, "EMCY.Nodeguarding error".

    Thank you!


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