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How to get the Raspberry Pi PLC to control a Siemens PLC with OPC server

  • blewl - 2018-11-09

    Hello, I am trying to get a test rig which tests different protocols. I know the Raspberry Pi supports ProfiNet. But I have been asked to use the Siemens PLC to control the device under test.

    My thought was to setup an OPC server on the Siemens PLC and a OPC client on the Raspberry Pi. All I can find is a Codesys OPC server for Raspberry Pi. The Siemens PLC OPC software is server only.

    Could two OPC servers talk to each other? I have installed a OPC client on the Raspberry Pi, which can access the Codesys OPC server on the localhost.

    Snap7 wouldn't install, so gave up on that.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-11-09

    using OPC UA Server on Raspberry PI...
    Is it possible to have a OPCUA CLient on siemens side?


  • blewl - 2018-11-09

    It says here

    https://w3.siemens.com/mcms/automation- ... fault.aspx

    In the future a client will be included. I found in the Siemens forum that it may be included in V15 of their Tia portal. But Siemens' website doesn't say that at all.



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