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SMC_Interpolator output to SMC_Trafo_Tripod input Error

  • mandra - 2015-06-11

    Hi All,

    I want to make a simple program to move the three axis using CNC. For the interpolator output is okay. But when feed the output (piSetPosition) to the SMC_TRAFO_TRIPOD pi input, I got the error at SMC_TRAFO_TRIPOD.bError.

    Hope I can find some clue about my problem.

    Thanks before.



    IMG: 1.png

  • mandra - 2015-06-16

    Already found the answer, we must provide the parameter of each item logically. Like how big is the radius, how long is the strud and how width is the join.

  • navalekanishk - 2019-08-27

    mandra hat geschrieben:
    Already found the answer, we must provide the parameter of each item logically. Like how big is the radius, how long is the strud and how width is the join.

    Hey Mandra,

    Please share your project file. I am trying to implement the same project.


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