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Gracefull shutdown & recipe management

  • Carsten - 2014-12-04


    I am putting the webvisu to the test at the moment. Now I found then option of
    executing internal commands and I wonder, if it would be possible to use them
    for shutting down the system. Comming from the windows world, I am having some difficulties
    of figuring it out. Normally I would use 'sudo shutdown -h now' from a console window but
    I seem not to be able to run that from the visu project.

    And since I am asking for help already - does someone have an example on how to implement
    a recipe load / safe facility? The offline help says a lot here, but I am having a hard time of
    understanding the concept behind it. Where should the subfolder for the recipes be located,
    and do you need to create that folder yourself or set special user rights?

    Would be good if anyone had some answers for me!

    Thank you.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-12-08

    Hi Carsten,

    you could use 'sudo shutdown -h now' triggered by a button ... search the forum for reboot by gpio

    l viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5714 l

    According recipe management will give you an example project as soon I find the time to do one.



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