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Library for sending and receiving CAN Open SDO Messages.

  • Anonymous - 2005-10-24

    Originally created by: jking222

    I've done a fair amount of looking. Codesys doesn't seem to have a library that easily supports sending and receiving of SDO messages greater than 4 bytes.

    Is this true, or is there a library I'm unaware of?

  • spfeif - 2005-11-02

    Yes that seems correct to me. I have a library that I assume is written by my PLC vendor that allows reading/writing segmented SDO's. I personally haven't tried them yet. I would be happy to share them with you if they work in your system but I would also assume that the library would be hardware independent. There are two separate function blocks SDO_READ_NET.lib and SDO_WRITE_NET.lib. One function block in each library. Now the only thing I would guess is if you already have a node configured via the 3S CANOpen Stack in the PLC configuration I am not confident that this block will send or receive anything because the CANOpen stack may interrupt it first? I don't have any documentation on the library. Let me know if you want to try it.


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