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What's the parameter of AXIS_REF_SM3?

  • Monica - 2019-03-26

    May I ask the question of softmotion?

    I need to know instance parameter of AXIS_REF_SM3

    but the codesys online help don't tell me detail about parameter number from 1010 to 1400...

    please help me ...

    IMG: 2019

    IMG: 2019

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-03-26

    hm... why do you need them.
    You just add drives in the device tree and use the PLCopen and CNC/Robotic fb's.
    That's it.


  • Monica - 2019-04-02

    Edwin Schwellinger hat geschrieben:
    hm... why do you need them.
    You just add drives in the device tree and use the PLCopen and CNC/Robotic fb's.
    That's it.

    I need some axis of variable to monitor state...
    But I don't know which variable I can use...

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-02

    which do you need?
    I would use MC_ReadStatus fb - from SM3_Baisc.library.



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