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CODESYS_SoftMotion_Win_V3 can't connect to Lexium23_Softmotion by canbus

  • polygj - 2017-04-27

    I can't use the canbus of CODESYS_SoftMotion_Win_V3 connect to Lexium23_Softmotion by PCAN-USB . I don't know what's worng. It seems the Lexium23 should be recognized.

    IMG: problem.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-04-27

    for SoftMotion (cyclic send setpositions) it is mandatory to have a hard realtime capable plc.
    So you need to switch to SoftMotion RTE but then you could not use Peak-USB, then you need to use a Peak pci CANCard.
    USB and realtime is not really a good combination (imagine hotpluging and realtime....ahhhh)

    If you want to stay on Control Win you have the choise to use SoftMotion Light (if this works with the drive - not sure) or you could
    request the Schneider PLCopen libraries.. they usually provide you with this if you ask for it. (Hope I'm not wrong)

  • polygj - 2017-04-28

    Mr Edwin,
    Thank you very much for your help. Now I know what cause the problem.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-04-28



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