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How to obtain different jerk for acc and dec?

  • Kim - 2015-07-21

    Some of our customers are used to terms as "s curve percentage" or "jerk percentage". Basically this means that they want their acceleration or deceleration time in a movement to be constant independent of whether they are using trapezoid or quadratic ramp type. To support this we have created a block that calculates acceleration & jerk using the original acceleration & desired jerk percentage. This works very well.

    However, problem arises when the customer wants to use different values for acceleration and deceleration because this means the profile would need to use two different jerk settings as well, one for acceleration and one for deceleration. In other motion systems, these are often known as Jerk+ and Jerk-. The PLC Open motion blocks only support one jerk setting and we want to avoid having to re-execute the instruction along the way to change it.

    Question is, is there some other way to obtain this or does someone know of a 3rd party library supporting this?

    Best regards,
    Kim Hansen
    Beijer Electronics Automation AB

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-07-23

    Hi Kim,
    could you give us more details for 's curve percentage, jerk percentage'
    For 'Jerk+/Jerk' we have only a jerk value for accelerating and decel.. no one asked till now for having this splitted up in two parameters.
    Is this really needed... could you explain the use case for this?

    I do not know if there is a 3rd party librarie for doing this (maybe the community have here more informartion?)



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