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Softmotion with AX5203

  • Perkins - 2020-01-02

    I am trying to setup a softmotion system using an embedded PC running RTE with a Beckhoff AX5203 but I can't get the AX5203 to configure. I have tried different cycle values but nothing seems to work. The Ethercat bus is running at 250uS and the jitter is +-25uS which I understand should be OK.
    The AX5203 goes from Init mode to Bootstrap and then stops at Pre-Op mode so clearly something in my set-up is not quite correct. In Online mode I can reset the AX5203 to Init and then to Bootstrap but when I select Pre-Op it stays at Bootstrap. The log says "AL status read from slave 1007 status 16#45 : MBX_SOE" so I know there is something wrong with transferring the parameters but I am at a loss how to proceed further so any suggestions would be very welcome.

    IMG: Codesys Screenshot 3.jpg

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-01-11

    i think you need to configure the startup parameter by twincat export them and use them as startup parameter in CODESYS. Then it might work.


  • gite - 2021-02-02

    I have the same problem but importing the Setup Parameter from TwinCAT, at least stops from giving me the Runtime Exception but the EtherCAT connetion can't go ONLINE.

    Do you have any suggestion ?

    I'm trying a codesys PLC with an AX5206.

    Thanks in advance!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-03

    Which versions are you using? ( Runtime / CODESYS) ?

    • gite - 2021-02-03



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