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  • BIZON - 2019-09-21

    Good day,
    I have palletizer 4axis, servo on Ethercat. If use FunctionBlock MC_MoveDirectAbsolute, all work good.
    I tried use MC_MoveLinearAbsolute and system give me Error 11005 Group in state Error.
    But few second ago MC_MDA function correctly with this axisgroup.
    I saw example and cant find my mistakes. Look in attach oand help me with this Function block- MLA

    IMG: mla.png

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2019-09-22

    Not enough info. What errors are shown on the axis group or individual axis?
    Show us your code.
    What was the group state before you used MLA?

  • BIZON - 2019-09-22

    In this case i use only SMC_StartUpAxisGroup. For simple test.
    First, GroupPower, second, SetPosition (acs 0 0 0 0).
    After that MoveDirectAbsolute, work correctly.
    Group in status standstill. Try MoveLinearAbsolute, give error.
    Program my not use in this case, only standard fb SMC_StartUpAxisGroup.
    Error of each axis i will look late.

  • BIZON - 2019-09-23

    Show individual axis Sync Error
    Lokk picture please SyncParameter Ethercat

    IMG: SyncParam.png

    IMG: ErrorAxis.png


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