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popup screens

  • rajatb - 2007-05-14

    hello friends..

    Can someone tell me that how to make popup screens in codesys visualisation. Also i want to know whether it is posiible to have desired x-y location of the visualisation objects (screens) in runtime.

    lookin forward for any help on above.


    Rajat Bansal

  • robkristiaan - 2007-06-14

    Fist you have to design a normal visualization that looks like a popup. if it's ready you can include that visu in another visualization by using the visualization button in the editor. now doubleclick that included visu and you can hide it by making invisible true (make it a var).

    you can disable the input of the other buttons by setting the disable of the buttons

    disabling the underlying buttons is a whole other matter if you are using multiple screens, overlaying each other (there is a way but not very easy)

  • rajatb - 2007-06-18

    Hi Robkristiaan,

                    Thanks for your reply.It was quite relevant.

    Best Regards,

    Rajat Bansal


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