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Web Interface and Java Platform Compatablity issues?

  • jking22 - 2005-09-26

    I recently encontered the following issues with the Codesys Web Interface.

    1) Update time for text elements TOO slow.

    2) I can't get visualization objects to refresh without resizing windows.

    We Downgraded the Java runtime environment from to and the functionality changed noticably.

    Integer or text object with highest priority (Lowest number on the element list) displayed well. All other objects needed to be clicked to refresh. Visualization objects required a window resize to be refreshed.

    What version of Java Runtime environment is best??

  • Anonymous - 2005-10-24

    Originally created by: jking222

    I made some progress some time ago. Problem is not really related to Java runtime. I've found that if you utilize some complex visualizations in a nested fashion, it can cause the visualization not to update. Example: a visualization with 9 identical gauges displaying the same data. If you group 6 of them in a nested fashion, only the other 3 will update properly.


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