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Start with web visualization

  • Wizard - 2007-02-08

    Hello All,

    I want to add visualization support to my controller. I use Nucleus OS. As far as I understood I need implement my own Web Server.

    Does anybody can help me to start?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Igor Petrov - 2007-02-09

    3S has the special web-server implementation for CoDeSys SP, but you have to order appropriate licenses for web-visualization before use it.

  • Wizard - 2007-02-09

    Hi Igor!

    That's great you have such implamantation. But what if i want to create my own one? Are there some specific things in this web-server made by 3S?

    Another question. I have already CoDeSys SP ordered. So how much does license for web-visualization cost?

  • Igor Petrov - 2007-02-12

    Hi Wizard!

    Wizard hat geschrieben:
    ...Are there some specific things in this web-server made by 3S?

    Yes they are. The server has special functions for support XML generated from CoDeSys. It is impossible to realize web-visu with different server.

    Wizard hat geschrieben:
    But what if i want to create my own one?

    Of course you could write a separate tool for web-HMI and connect it somehow with variables in PLC program. There are some PLCs programmable in CoDeSys with independent tools for HMI (because of historical reasons). But according my experience it is more easy and comfortable for customers to use one integrated tool...

    Wizard hat geschrieben:
    I have already CoDeSys SP ordered. So how much does license for web-visualization cost?

    It depends of platform and other details. I advise you to contact with 3S sales department for exact information.


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