Using it with beckhoff CX9020 and getting PLC disconnections

Joan M
  • Joan M - 2013-08-29

    Hello all,

    I’m using the visualization in the Beckhoff CX9020 PLC (Windows CE7.0) and after some minutes of working the PLC program gets disconnected and I’m not receiving any kind of information on what has happened.

    It looks exactly the same than a page fault without the information on what has caused the disconnection.

    The only solution to keep working is to unplug and reconnect the PLC completely.

    The program I’m using seems to have problems when I’m switching some texts from visible to invisible…

    Any idea or hint?

    Thank you in advance!

  • shooter - 2013-09-02

    do you have license for the program?
    is the visualisation in the PLC or in the PC.
    using manual ipaddress or automatic, many computers are dynamic so they will stop scanning.
    is address correct for example (is the computer in same region.

    if you send the exported program we will have a look at the visibility. (you can put a complete screen invisible.

  • Joan M - 2013-09-03

    shooter hat geschrieben:
    do you have license for the program?
    Of course I do... I would not install anything pirated or similar into any machine.

    shooter hat geschrieben:
    is the visualisation in the PLC or in the PC.
    The controller I'm using is a CX9020 which is an embedded PC with Winodws CE 7.0.
    The visualization is running on that CX9020.

    shooter hat geschrieben:
    using manual ipaddress or automatic, many computers are dynamic so they will stop scanning.
    is address correct for example (is the computer in same region.
    It has nothing to do with IP addresses, I log into the PLC program, debug it without issues and suddenly the PLC gets disconnected due an internal error, not anything related to the IP addresses.

    Anyway both IP's are fixed and inside the same range. Therefore this is not the issue.

    shooter hat geschrieben:
    if you send the exported program we will have a look at the visibility. (you can put a complete screen invisible.
    I won't, it seems Beckhoff says it is an internal bug with that controller, it seems it fails when you have VISU + CNC + PLC, they will solve that in future releases...

    Thank you for trying.

  • shooter - 2013-09-05

    you can still try to slow down the program, by the taskconfiguration put it on 100 ms for test instead of freewheeling.
    this will give some time to process the rest of the things, other processes can even be done by only calling them when needed.

    btw do you know LIPS propellers they grind shippropellers the big way 6 meters across.

  • Joan M - 2013-09-05

    Hello again shooter!

    It seems that Beckhoff has some kind of internal bug with that device...

    Their technical support team has told me that they are facing issues with that controller, with PLC + VISU + Motion...

    So thank you for your answers and kindness!

    btw do you know LIPS propellers they grind shippropellers the big way 6 meters across

    No I don't know about them, but I've searched LIPS propellers and I've been able to see lots of things but not a specific company... any link?

    Thank you!

  • Joan M - 2013-09-09

    Goedemorgen Shooter,

    Thank you for the link, neither heard of them, we've developed special machines for grinding lots of parts, even some times we've offered some propellers grinding solutions for Spanish companies.

    Interesting to know, I'll let our sales people to know about them and who knows...

    Thank you for your posts!


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