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Target Visualisation : Basic problems before starting

  • dbh - 2005-08-02

    Recently I am evaluating the possibility of using target visualisation on C167 platform. I have following problems :

    1. Where do I find information on how to configure Target and it's settings? Is there any detailed guideline/ sample file for the same?

    2. Which fetures C167 platform "CAN" and "CAN NOT" support?

    3. If I am using 128x64 Pixels, Mono LCD, where do I define this information to CoDeSys so that the Screen definition and supported functions be controlled during programming? In TSP document, only pixel sizes are definable. No of supported colors etc are not available. Is there any aditional document available?

    4. If there is no possibility of tooltips and color like features to be supported with mono LCD screen. Can I switch OFF these features being programmed to optimise memory consumption?

    --- DBH

  • Manfred Werner - 2005-08-08

    Dear Mr. Hambardikar,

    our visualisation can be downloaded to targets from Windows XP to embedded targets with a 64*128 pixel display. Not every feature makes sense on every device.

    In fact, we have to complete the documentation for the C16x based target visualisation. With SP5, you have the possibility to disable features in the target settings, which are not supported by your target.

    The documentation for what is missing will be finished soon.

    Best regards,

    Manfred Werner


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