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  • mthoumi - 2006-04-21


    Please I need Help, I downloaded the demo of CoDesys 2.3 ( with also CodeSysHMI), but I can't Open my visualization (wich I created with Codesys) with CodeSysHMI.

    must I add some instructions at CoDeSysHMI.ini file?

    There is anyone who know how to do that?


  • Antti - 2006-04-24


    I got my HMI working after I had read instructions (CoDeSys_Visu_V23_E.pdf). HMI should work if you write to windows command shell:

    "C:\Program Files\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\CoDeSysHMI\CoDeSysHMI" /target D:\PROJECTS\PROJECT.PRO

    Opens PLC_VISU visualization screen, if it exists in project. First path is where your CodesysHMI.exe is, and the second path is your project.

  • mthoumi - 2006-04-24


    The problem that I can't find the windows command shell, I put instructions in CoDeSysHMI.ini but it doesn't work.

  • Antti - 2006-04-25

    I don't know much about CodesysChip.ini, but command shell can be found from windows Start-menu.

    Menu: Start/Run... type cmd

    I made my HMI starting from desktop icon. Pretty easy way.

    1)Open Notepad and write:"C:\Program Files\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\CoDeSysHMI\CoDeSysHMI" /target c:\Projects\Myproject.PRO

    2) save as "LaserHMI.bat"

  • mthoumi - 2006-04-25

    thanks Antti,

    your information was very useful to me

  • kariasg - 2006-06-12

    I have the same problem, and doing before suggest but i not get any result.

    The following error occurred:

    Could not open project/library (not valid project/library file)

    I was verify the library file in CoDeSysHMI.ini file and this correct.

    What more are doing???

    I sorry my english.

  • RikeR - 2006-06-13

    kariasg hat geschrieben:
    I have the same problem, and doing before suggest but i not get any result.
    The following error occurred:
    I was verify the library file in CoDeSysHMI.ini file and this correct.
    What more are doing???
    I sorry my english.

    Could it be there are blank spaces in the target string? In that case you will recieve this message. Add quotes before and after the target string.

    Not working: "C:\Program Files\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\CoDeSysHMI\CoDeSysHMI" /target c:\My Projects\Myproject.PRO

    Working: "C:\Program Files\3S Software\CoDeSys V2.3\CoDeSysHMI\CoDeSysHMI" /target "c:\My Projects\Myproject.PRO"

    There is a blank space between My and Projects. You have to add the quotes to make this work.

  • kariasg - 2006-06-13

    I probe that and this ok. Thanks for your response.


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