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Problem with visualisation

  • mthoumi - 2006-04-18


    I have a problem with visualisation, it's a basic thing, I try to visualize a variable ( wich is a byte type), but without success.

    I put the name of the variable in Textdispaly field in Variables category.

    is it the right way to to that?


  • ndzied1 - 2006-04-19

    You also have to have an entry in the Content field in the text catagory. This is a format specifier similar to what is used in printf() function in C.

    So, to display your byte as a base 10 number use %d, or to display it in hex, use %x

    Hope this makes sense.

  • mthoumi - 2006-04-19

    thanks ndzied1 it works well now, I can visualize all variables


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