Webvisualisation of a table using pointer

  • mpi - 2015-08-06


    I want to display 10 elements of an array of structure strucTab that has got 1000 elements using a table. I have then defined an pointer to an array of 10 elements of my structure and filled the Configure table/Table settings/Data Array with PLC_PRG.ptar1^

    Β  Β arr1:ARRAY [1..1000] OF strucTab;
    Β  Β ptar1: POINTER TO ARRAY [1..10]Β  OF strucTab;

    I can then display 10 elements from index k.
    This code works fine in the Codesys environement but the table remains desperately empty with the webvisualisation, any idea ?

    Thank for your help

  • shooter - 2015-08-06

    a web vis is in java, and can not have pointers, as they must be in memeory and a webvis is on the PC.

  • mpi - 2015-08-06

    Thanks for this quick reply, though I would have preferred another one ..

  • shooter - 2015-08-06

    there are ways to get it done, without pointers.
    I always avoid pointers and try it to make it just in pure 61131 and some libraries (like oscat, not used in vis)
    make it yourself with placeholders.


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