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  • RoryLDM - 2019-12-11

    I apologize I only found an old answer. Is there still no plan to provide use of the boards PRU's?

    I've had a few customers who have asked us to do controls for some small custom metal working machines. They would be great for the motion control requirements. Mainly precise timing on PWM and encoders.

    Node Red seems like it would work but I like sticking with Codesys when possible. Especially now that the Automation Server is up.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2019-12-12

    RoryLDM, I wonder if you would like the possibility to write your own CODESYS driver for the Beaglebone PRU?

    There is the CODESYS Forge, where there is an open source community for CODESYS. Here you will find both documentation on how to develop your own drivers, as well as access to people that are happy to collaborate with you on such a project.

    You can either go to forge.codesys.com and browse for Device drivers, or I have the link directly to your interest.


    Also, clearly this invitation is not limited to Rory, should others be reading this post and wish to help.


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