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Hide visu in a compiled library

  • Nico01 - 2019-07-01

    Hello everyone

    do you know if it's possible to hide the visualizations
    (or at least the properties of elements of it) in a compiled library?

    A bit like a {attribute 'hide'} for the POU but for a visualization?

    /! \ It is for a know-how to protect !!!

    thank you in advance

  • m.prestel - 2019-07-03

    Hallo Nico,

    you can hide a visu by activating the internal toggle in the properties of a visualization.

    Then however it will also not possible to include the visu in a frame from outside of the lib (just create a second visu where the visu is referenced by a frame).

    Best regards,

    IMG: Internal.PNG

  • Nico01 - 2019-07-04

    Hallo und danke Marcel.

    I work with twincat3 and I can not find this checkbox

    I'll see with Beckhoff if he's put elsewhere ...


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