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Table and Dynamic Text property

  • e.kislov - 2019-02-28


    Table have "global" property Dynamic Texts:

    I'm not understand which text in table will be replaced by this dynamic text.
    Please give me some comments.

    In this moment CODESYS Help is not clear:
    https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_visu_e ... amic-texts m

    IMG: TableDynamicText.png

  • e.kislov - 2019-03-05

    Still interested in answer.

  • mvitovsk - 2019-04-09

    I have the same question.
    I'd like to display an "array" of strings in a table.
    The source of strings should be a text list.
    So far I do not understand how the dynamic texts work in a table.
    The help did not help much.

  • mvitovsk - 2019-04-09

    I do not know what the "dynamic texts" property in the root of the table configuration does.
    I just found out that it is possible to define it for each column.
    It is just necessary to check the "Use template" option in the configuration of the column.
    It unfolds additional menu options which enable some pretty interesting features.
    I hope you won't find that off-topic.

  • m.prestel - 2019-04-24

    Hello everyone,

    it seems there is no use for this configuration.
    In v3.4.3.0 the configuration option for static text was removed/hidden and I think the configuration option for the dynamic text was simple forgotten.

    Best regards,

  • e.kislov - 2019-04-24

    Thank you for answer.


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