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Adding picture from USB flash drive to Visualisation

  • Slepeckypes - 2019-02-25

    Hi everyone!

    Is it possible to insert a picture to visualisation from USB flash drive and save it to Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+?
    For example: Program is running and Operator put USB flash drive to Raspberry. Load a picture from USB flash drive, choose a picture, save it to Raspberry and a picture will appears on the screen.


  • e.kislov - 2019-02-28

    I think it's possible.
    Element Image have property Bitmap Version:
    https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_visu_e ... .14.0#id10

    Variable (integer data type). Contains the version of the image.
    If the variable changes, then the visualization re-reads the image referenced in the Image ID property and displays it.
    The visualization displays animations when the image file on the controller is updated continuously, thus incrementing the version variable. The application must be programmed for this.
    Possible applications
    Displaying graphics that are generated by the application
    Displaying images that are refreshed by a camera

    You need to copy picture from USB to folder /visu in Raspberry (use FILE.Copy or SysProcess library, just google it) and replace existing image file with same name.
    Then "refresh" bitmap version.


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