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  • Anonymous - 2018-04-09

    Originally created by: manuele.pasquini

    I'm looking for a method that allows me to add images dynamically in a Visualization from a string that indicate the path of image, and when path change also image do it.
    I didn't find anything about it, can anyone help me with this??

  • Peder - 2018-04-09
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-04-10


    I would use Bitmap Version (adding a new path is not possible but I think this is even easier to update the existing bitmap files)

    https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_visu_e ... n=
    Bitmap Version

    Variable (integer data type). Contains the version of the image.
    If the variable changes, then the visualization re-reads the image referenced in the Image ID property and displays it.

    The visualization displays animations when the image file on the controller is updated continuously, thus incrementing the version variable. The application must be programmed for this.

    Possible applications
    •Displaying graphics that are generated by the application
    •Displaying images that are refreshed by a camera


    IMG: BitmapVersion.jpg

  • Anonymous - 2018-04-10

    Originally created by: manuele.pasquini

    Thanks Edwin Schwellinger,
    but i belive it isn't the solution to my problem, i have to add image from a string path obtained from database and the images are a lot, using dynamic bitmap i have to use ImagePool right?
    My originally idea was create an array with all strings of image's path, create a string linked to image element and change his value dinamically modifying also image visualization.

    Do you have any ideas to solve this problem? Or it is possible to do with bitmap version?


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