Cannot remove access control from web visu... help?

  • RodneyC - 2017-06-05

    I'm using CODESYS control win v3.5.10.10

    At one point I set up online login and now whenever I connect to the webvisu server, the client is asked for login. I do not have user management set up on visualization manager. I need to clear all login dialogs from popping up. One of my webvisu's is a mobile oriented visu and the default login dialogs are cancer to work with using a mobile device. I need to be able to roll back to no access control of any kind, please anyone willing or able to help solve this issue would be much appreciated!

  • RodneyC - 2017-06-09

    Please let me know if there's a more relevant board this should be posted in. I still cannot seem to default back to no user login when the webvisu is loaded up. Still requires Owner to sign in.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-06-13

    - remove the user management in the Project
    - reset original on the device
    - restart plc and download the Project without usermanagement


    IMG: Reset

  • RodneyC - 2017-06-19

    Thank you Edwin,

    Reset origin was the only step I was missing. Thanks again.


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