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RPC failed 0x16c9a085

  • matteo.tennina - 2019-05-13

    Hi All,
    i'm configuring a Profinet network on my PC.
    I have the ethernet and the PN controller running.
    The "Slave Device " remain in orange status and if I check on the PLC's log i find the error: " RPC failed 0x16c9a085".

    Am I missing something in the configuration?
    There is something special to check?

  • carlos-fegam - 2022-09-15

    Hello Matteo;
    Were you able to solve your problem? I have the same case

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-09-15

    which plc and which version especialky whicht profinet contoller version are involved?

  • marcolim - 2024-04-01

    Hello Matteo,
    I think the problem is about configuration of firewall (windows firewall usually). You can disable temporary the firewall to check if the communication works.
    Eventually you can:
    Go to the control panel -> Windows Defender Firewall -> Allow an app or feature
    Enable the options to change the settings.
    Scroll down in the application list to CODESYS and CODESYS ControlService.
    If you don’t see this application add it to the list.
    Make sure that all the checkboxes are checked (Domain, Private and public).


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