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ListBox problem updating to Codesys Control Win 3.5 SP14

  • leandroct - 2019-04-15

    I was developing my application using Codesys Control Win 3.5 SP13 demo mode, and then I bought the Codesys to continue the project. When I installed the newer version (3.5 SP14) and activated it, a problem occurred. I use a Listbox where I show all .txt files in a directory. The array of STRINGS used at Listbox containing the files names is ok, but when I click in the Listbox to see and select the desired file, the TargetVisu freezes and doesn't return to life. It could have a problem in Listbox at the new Codesys version? This was working at the older version.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-16

    please send the projectarchive to -> Store.codesys.com -> my equestion-> bug report



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