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ProfiNET on WAGO PFC200

  • jessejamescox - 2017-01-19

    Here is a tutorial to set up a ProfiNET master in the PFC200 with CoDeSys Control for WAGO PFC200.


    I would like to understand the compatible diagnostic layers and don't find these processes in the documentation specific to the PFC's capabilities ( there seem to be many things that the HW is not compatible with ). Is there a PFC200 specific document describing the read/write config capabilities?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2017-01-24


    in general there are no differences on PFC200 to other platforms.

    there seem to be many things that the HW is not compatible with
    what do you mean with HW is not compatible with - what does not work where do you see limits?


  • jessejamescox - 2017-01-24

    I made an assumption based on what is written into the environment.

    One example:

    With the ProfiNET coupler, when trying to update config parameters ( i.e. webserver) the "Write Values" button returns a message " not suppoerted by this device". I do see that if you change the values and then login to the controller these parameters are then written. Mostly, I just wanted to find more detailed documentation on diagnostic and advanced functionality.


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