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Start visualization issue

  • djtaotao - 2016-08-05

    Hello there!

    I'm a newbie in Codesys world and I'm facing a first small problem.

    I have to run a program that should start with "Login_Page" where a user should login and after that should switch to "Mechanical_Checking" visu and so on...
    The problem is that the visualization is not starting as I set it in Visualization Manager, with the "Login_page" (see picture). It's starting every time with "Electric_Checking" visu, as the first visu in alphabetical order in the application list. Even after PLC rebooting, it does the same.
    If I rename the "Login_Page" as "A_Login_Page", to be the first in the list, the problem is solved. Is this a normal behavior? Is there a setting that I miss it?

    IMG: 2016

  • djtaotao - 2016-08-10


    The problem was the address used in web browser: instead of .

    Thanks Mr. Schwellinger for support!


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