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Janz tech +Etherberry

  • tekisri - 2019-07-16

    Hello guys,

    For a project, I have been working on developing EtherCAT interface using Etherberry with Janz Tec as my EtherCAT master.

    Initially I tried to establish a connection between Codesys Win V3 as my EtherCAT master based on the instructions mentioned in the below link. (Platform - Codesys V3)

    I would like to update my device to Janz Tec. But unfortunately I see that my device is unable to detect any slaves attached to it.

    Raspberry Pi on which Etherberry is mounted acts as HostCPU and they communicate via SPI. I am trying to access the registers of Etherberry to establish this connection which has not worked.

    Please let me know if anyone of you guys have worked with Etherberry and can help.me with these issues.

    Thank you in advance
    Sri Teki.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-07-17


    Raspberry Pi on which Etherberry ist the EtherCAT slave and the JANZ device the EtherCAT master right
    So form your link the configuration is like in the picture except that Control Win is your Janz device?


    IMG: Etherberry.png

  • tekisri - 2019-07-17

    Thank you for the reply.

    However, I have updated the device to JanzTec. But the problem is to access the registers of EtherBerry (which is the SPI slave) by Raspberry pi (SPI master on which EtherBerry is mounted). Accessing of registers is done on Raspberry PI platform (Link : http://www.industrialberry.com/etherberry-v1-6/). I would like to replicate the communication in Codesys platform.

    Any help in this zone is appreciated.

    Thank you !


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