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Save recipe to USB using Raspberry Pi

  • Slepeckypes - 2019-05-03

    Hi everyone,
    I need help with saving recipes in Raspberry Pi to USB.
    When i set File Path: /media/pi/recipe ...Recipes are saved to SD card and it works well for me.
    –-> see attached picture
    But when i tried set File Path: /media/pi/USB/ (it's directory where my USB-stick appears) and i created recipe through the program, there are no recipes on USB.
    Any advice how can it be done?

    IMG: recipe_codesys.png

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-05-08

    for me this works with the store example:


    IMG: savereceipe.png

  • Slepeckypes - 2019-05-17

    Hi Edwin,
    it seems problem was in my USB drive. I tried it again with other one and it's working now.
    It depends how is USB formated (NTFS/FAT32).



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