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Raspberry Pi licence restore problem

  • LukaszBien - 2019-04-20

    Currently I had to change SD card in my Raspberry pi. ( works as home auto system). So I had to install everything from the scratch.
    The problem I have now is that when I'm trying to restore my licence ( have a backup .tar file) it does not work.
    I created a backup around 1.5 years ago with different version of codesys as I'm working on SP14 now.
    How to restore this? ( i've tried ticket and options restore and it did not work as well.)
    I have tried to downgrade runtime on Pi to version that I have used in the tome of creating backup - no luck as well.
    Thanks for any info.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-20

    please raise a bugreport on CODESYS store ->my question including your
    license ticket number.


  • kurvanov - 2019-04-24


    I have a similar problem since I installed SP14P1 (I updated from SP12P4). I have also updated my raspberry package to
    Since then , I have to reboot my raspberry every 2 hours.

    I have restored the licence by copying the 3sLicenceInfo.tar file into restore folder. But this did not help (yet)
    Did I forgot to do something ?

    Best regards.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-25

    even here -
    contact us by CODESYS store -> my question 'bugreport'



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