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Embedded image and project file dimension

  • alverman - 2019-04-08

    Good morning,
    Is it possible, having the source code of the project, to extract the images included in the project?

    I rebuilt a project by importing all the components into a new empty project but I can't find where the images are.

    I did this operation because the old project, which after years that I continued to modify, had a size of 4 Mega.
    Now, after importing it into a new project, the file is 600 K and works properly.

    Is there a way to clean up a project by eliminating what is not necessary?

    Thanks, Alberto

  • alverman - 2019-04-08

    I tried to delete everything from the project and save it empty.
    The file is still 4.2 Mega.
    Probably the 3 images I inserted are still inside and probably they are the cause of the size of the project.
    Can I extract them to resize them?
    How can I extract them?

    Thanks, Alberto

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-08

    this is a known bug,
    The workaround is:
    Open an new empy project - and copy all related except the imagepool which have this included (serialized/project embedded images in )
    This will degrease the size and solve it.

    To have them back - just download the project to the plc and the pull the images via the CODESYS filebrowser from the plc
    (PlcLogic/Visu ...)



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