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Codesys LTC

  • alverman - 2019-04-08

    Good morning,
    I can not understand why every time I restart the raspberry sometimes codesys does not take the right ang.
    Sometimes it takes the UTC time and sometimes takes the LTC time !!
    Why ?

    Thanks, Alberto

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-04-08

    hi Alberto,

    I think this is not CODESYS related... more or less Linux OS / Rasbian?
    In general RASBIAN syncs the time from network, so if you have no network connection (Wlan/eth0)
    it may have different time - than you expect.
    If so you have probably the correct time.

    So to have this solved ( I mean use a PI without network and timesync) you need to have an RTC which is
    additional hardware.



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