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Trying to license..

  • hence.persson - 2019-03-21

    I am trying to license my Pi but having some problems.. I am developing from a virtual machine with Codesys installed.

    I have set up two network cards on my virtual machine and I can surf the web and connect to the pi.

    I have been running a test application so it works fine.

    But now I want to license the pi. When I go to the license manager it doesn't find my Pi ... But I can download/debug my programs.. What can be the error. Do the pi also need internet access for the licensing or is it enough if the development computer has that?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2019-03-22

    no the Pi does not need internet connection for the licensing.
    1. check if predictable Network interface names are disabled in the Pi -
    sudo raspi-config
    2. Add a new Gateway in CODESYS with the IP address of your PI
    and use this Gateway to scan the PI and License the PI.


  • hence.persson - 2019-03-22

    Number 2 did the trick thanks.


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