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OSCAT_Buildind timer 2

  • alverman - 2019-03-19

    Good morning,
    I added to my home automation project a function that lowers the shutters to 12.30 P.M. because the windows are in full sunlight and I have them reopened at 17.30 P.M.
    To do this I used a timer2 of the oscat library in MODE 11
    Now I don't understand why the block worked only the first day after loading the new project, in the following days it didn't work anymore.
    Even during the programming tests the timer works only once and then enough.
    To make it work I should change the date !!
    Why does this timer, inserted in a block, seem to work only once a day?

    Thanks, Alberto

  • e.kislov - 2019-03-20

    Yes, you need to pass current system date-time (from SysTimeRtc, CAA DTUtil or other lib) to DT_in input.
    Just as planned.


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