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Problem with trend recording

  • steifhahn - 2019-03-13

    Hi folks,

    I am using a Pi zero W with Codesys V3.5.14.10.
    Reading a temperature with 1-wire, no problems here.

    I want to record the values with the trend recording manager.
    It worked for one time, but now the x -axis only show date from 1970.

    Do you have any suggestions how to solve this?

  • plcmax - 2019-03-14

    is the date of the PIZero W correct?
    what does the Pi report if you write date to the command line?


  • steifhahn - 2019-03-14

    Topic can be closed.
    A library was missing: CmpTargetVisu.

    Next question:
    Does anybody know how delete records? Or what happens, if data storage is full?

    Thx in advance


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