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Fuzzy Logic eFFL Library in ST for RPi

  • truly-bent - 2019-02-28

    I have ported the eFFL Fuzzy logic Library in ST to the RPi platform. It is available here --> https://1drv.ms/f/s!AgeXD5P3kwJIg2tNBt0q05Y4lxuu <-- in the /RPi directory. This remains an open-source library. You are free to use this library in accordance with the MIT license (see in project).

    Initially the project stalled on an unexpected 'undefined NULL' problem, which didn't show up on the standard platform, but that issue has mostly been resolved. I say 'mostly' because on my system all NULLs show an "ambiguous use of name 'NULL'" message. This, however, isn't enough to stop compilation, downloading, and running in the simulation.

    Note that i have not downloaded this to an actual RPi yet, and look forward to somebody letting me know how that works.

  • Ingo

    Ingo - 2019-03-05

    Thanks for your contribution to the community!

    If you like, you can publish your libraries also on CODESYS Forge https://forge.codeys.com.


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