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Codemeter USB dongle License issue? [resolved]

  • aliazzz

    aliazzz - 2018-12-30


    My Codemeter USB dongle seems not to recognized anymore by my Raspberry Pi 3B+ running V3.5.14.0 Single Core SL.
    I checked this via the System Info console output of the Update Raspberry Pi update tool (v3.5.14.0 also)
    My own suggestion to mitigate this is to just reinstall a fresh Raspbian. This seems rather crude to me. A rather large cannon for a small fly perhaps?
    Have you got any other suggestions to fix this?

    Ps the dongle itself is OK, i checked it directly on my devbox via Codemeter.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-12-31

    as long you see the device/key by
    under Linux I would not install the Debain, guess this is not needed.

    What happens when you 'browse' the license by tools-> licensemanager?
    Here in the forum there is an application example how to check the license by your application.
    l viewtopic.php?f=23&t=6247&p=16548#p16548 l

    Sure I always pray 'disable predictable network interfaces names' in raspi-config need to be disabled.
    This setting is mandatory to have disabled.

    Please attach the plc logs..



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