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Autostart chromium to see the visualization once the PLC starts

Joan M
  • Joan M - 2018-12-28

    Hi all,

    Planning to do a small boxes counter with an html visualization using Codesys visu and Codesys runtime in a Raspberry as the main PLC, the Raspberry will be connected to a big TV and won't have a keyboard neither a mouse connected.

    How can I launch a script that launch chromium once the PLC runtime is running?

    The script would be something like: "chromium-browser --kiosk w www.google.com w " where w www.google.com w would be replaced by the IP of the visualization.

    Thank you all!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2018-12-28

    check this here:
    l viewtopic.php?f=23&t=6247&start=30#p22808 l
    this is for the Raspberry PI LCD display but should even work with your screen too.



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