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Shutdown Raspberry PI (or other PLC) with Button in CodeSys

  • GDIvo - 2018-06-25


    I would like to create a Button that sends a shutdown command to the Raspberry Pi.

    Is this possible for a Raspberry Pi with CodeSys?
    Is it possible with other PLC running on CodeSys?

    Thank you for your Help.


  • bisquit - 2018-06-25

    GDIvo hat geschrieben:
    I would like to create a Button that sends a shutdown command to the Raspberry Pi.
    Is this possible for a Raspberry Pi with CodeSys?
    Is it possible with other PLC running on CodeSys?
    Thank you for your Help.

    It is possible with raspberry.
    I don't know about other PLC.

    l viewtopic.php?f=21&t=8849 l


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