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Raspberry Pi3 + PCA9685 + servo

  • Anonymous - 2018-04-27

    Originally created by: ŁukaszPowała

    I use Raspberry Pi3 with newest Codesys V3.5 SP12 Patch 2. I updated all librarys.
    I try to make communication witch PCA9685 pcb, using Adafruit PWM library and servo connected to channel 0. I don't use any shortcircuit in address pads, so address is 0.
    I open "I2C example", compile and send to RPi, and nothing- servo doesnt run. In next step, I open SoftMotion Servo Example, compile and send to RPi and servo is running. But I don't understand how this program refer to Adafruit PWM library.

    Why "I2C example" doesn't work with servo? Maybe, I have to make some additional configurations in codesys?
    Could anybody can send, working example for RPi3, for servo connected to channel 0 (FBD will be best).

    Thanks for any response.
    Best regards.



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