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How change Unity-ID in TCP Modbus Slave

  • aso3964 - 2018-01-26

    We are using Codesys V on Raspberry PI model 3 to communicate with a Modbus RTU device through a Modbus TCP gateway.
    In the Slave configuration, itΒ΄s possible to define the Unity-ID address, besides the IP address and IP port of the TCP Gateway.
    However, the library only allows us to change the IP addresses and port, using the TCP-Slave.ComSettings function.
    Is there any way to swap Unity-ID via program???


  • john-hedges-ifm - 2019-05-31

    I would also like to know how this can be achieved.



  • scoob

    scoob - 2022-07-27

    Did you ever find a solution to this? I am looking to perform the same thing.


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