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Help! Where is the library CmpOPCUAProviderAlarmConfiguration

  • ctgarvey - 2018-01-18

    Hello good folks of the Forum. Im trying to put Raspberry Pi CoDeSys OPCUA server events to the test and am trying to follow the attached help tutorial. I cannot find the libary file: CmpOPCUAProviderAlarmConfiguration

    Does anyone know where it is located? Prehaps I am missing a package? I cannot find it in the store.


    IMG: CoDeSysOPCUAHelpFies1.png

    IMG: CoDeSysOPCUAHelpFies2.png

  • jbarrio - 2018-01-21


    installs the latest version of codesys 3.5.12, to me with the previous version I could not find that library I do not know if they have introduced it in this version but when updating the program without problem.



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