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  • jbarrio - 2018-01-11

    Is there any way that if a calculation gives me infinite as a result, it returns a 0?

    I tried something like

    and try that instead of infinity I get 0 with
    IF out := "Infinity" THEN
    out := 0

    but logically recognizes it as a string and it does not work, is there a way to do what I want?

    best regards

    IMG: Captura.PNG

  • josepmariarams - 2018-01-13


    I think that in oscat there are a function which test if an real is infinite.

    If not, search in wikipedia how an float number is bit coded. After read the float as ulint, there are a bit which mark the number as infinite.

  • jbarrio - 2018-01-15


    CHK_REAL in oscat.basic


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